Wednesday 19 October 2011



Electro Chemistry

Electrolytic and Non-electrolytic conductors

Electrochemistry deals with the interactions of electrical energy with chemical species. It is broadly divided into two categories, namely (i) production of chemical change by electrical energy (phenomenon of electrolysis) and (ii) conversion of chemical energy into electrical energy.
Redox Reactions:  All electrochemical reactions involve transfer of electrons and are, therefore, oxidation-reduction (redox) reactions.
Conductors: Substances which allow the passage of electric current through then are called electrical conductors or simply conductors.
Insulators: Substances which do not allow the flow of electric current through them are termed insulators.
Electrical conductors are of two types:
(i)     Metallic or electronic conductors:
Conductors which transfer electric current by transfer of electrons, without transfer of any matter, are known as metallic or electronic conductors.
Ex:  Metals such as copper, silver, aluminum, etc., non-metals like carbon.
(ii)   Electrolytic conductors:
In which the flow of electric current is accompanied by chemical decomposition are known as electrolytic conductors.
Ex: Aqueous solutions of acids, bases and salts
Non-electrolytes: The substances whose aqueous solutions do not conduct electric current are called non-electrolytes.
Ex: Solutions of cane sugar, Glycerin, alcohol, etc.,
 Anode: The electrode through which the current enters the electrolytic solution is called the anode (positive electrode).
Cathode: The electrode through which the current leaves the electrolytic solution is known as cathode (negative electrode).
Cations: The ions which carry positive charge and move towards cathode.
Anions: The ions carrying negative charge which move towards anode.
Oxidation: Removal of electrons is termed oxidation  which occurs at anode.
Reduction: Addition of electrons is called reduction  that takes place at cathode.
Distinction between metallic and electrolytic conduction
Metallic conduction
Electrolytic conduction
1.   Electric current flows by movement of electrons.
1.   Electric current flows by movement of ions.
2.   No chemical change occurs.
2.   Ions are oxidized or reduced at the electrodes.
3.   It does not involve the transfer of any matter.
3.   It involves transfer of matter in the form of ions.
4.   Ohm's law is followed.
4.   Ohm's low is followed.
5.   Resistance increases with increase of temperature.
5.   Resistance decreases with increase of temperature.
6.   Faraday law is not followed.
6.   Faraday law is followed.
The process of chemical decomposition of an electrolyte by passage of electric current through its solution is called electrolytes.
Chemical change (oxidation and reduction) occurring at electrodes when electric current is passed though electrolytic solution is called electrolysis.
For example, when electric current is passed through a solution of hydrochloric acid, the H+ ions move towards cathode and CI- ions move towards anode.

Electrolytic Cell: The device in which electrolysis (chemical reaction involving oxidation and reduction) is carried out by using electricity or in which conversation of electrical energy into chemical change is done is known as electrolytic cell.

Faraday’s Laws of Electrolysis

(i)     Faraday's First Law
 When an electric current is passed through an electrolyte, the amount of substance deposited is proportional to the quantity of electric charge passed through the electrolyte.
(ii)         Faraday's Second Law
 When the same quantity of charge is passed through different electrolytes, then the masses of different substances deposited at the respective electrodes will be in the ratio of their equivalent masses.

Arrhenius Theory of Electrolytic dissociation

(i)     An electrolyte, when dissolved in water, breaks up into two types of charged particles, one carrying a positive charge and the other a negative charge. These charged particles are called ions. Positively charged ions are termed cations and negatively charged as anions.
AB --> A+  + B-
(ii)    The process of splitting of the molecules into ions of an electrolyte is called ionization. The fraction of the total number of molecules present in solution as ions is known as degree of ionization or degree of dissociation. It is denoted by
α= (Number of molecules dissociated into ions)/(Total number of molecules)
(iii)    Ions present in solution constantly re-unite to form neutral molecules and, thus, there is a state of dynamic equilibrium between the ionized the ionized and non-ionised molecules, i.e.,
                        AB <-->  A+ + B-
Applying the law of mass action to above equilibrium
[A+ ][B- ] /[AB] =K
K is known as ionization constant. The electrolytes having high  value of K are termed strong electrolytes and those having low value of K as weak electrolytes

Conductance, Specific conductance and Molar conductance

Electrolytic Conductance
 The conductance is the property of the conductor (metallic as well as electrolytic) which facilitates the flow of electricity through it. It is equal to the reciprocal of resistance i.e.,
                Conductance = 1/Resistance = 1/R                            ..... (i)
It is expressed on the unit called reciprocal ohm (ohm-1 or mho) or Siemens
The reciprocal of specific resistance is termed the specific conductance or it is the conductance of one centimeter cube of a conductor.
       or Specific conductance = Conductance × cell constant
Equivalent conductance:
Equivalent  conductance is defined as the conductance of all the ions produced by one gram equivalent of an electrolyte in a given solution.
                        A = k ×  1000/N
                The unit of equivalent conductance is ohm-1 cm-2 equi-1.
Molar conductance
The molar conductance is defined as the conductance of all the ions produced by ionization of 1 g mole of an electrolyte when present in V ml of solution. It is denoted by .
           Molar conductance     μ = k ×V
                It units are ohm-1 cm2 mol-1.
                Equivalent conductance =  (Molar conductance)/z

Kohlrausch law

 "At infinite dilution, when dissociation is complete, each ion makes a definite contribution towards equivalent conductance of the electrolyte irrespective of the nature of the ion with which it Is associated.
·         The value of equivalent conductance at infinite dilution for any electrolyte is the sum of contribution of its constituent ions", i.e., anions and cations.
/\ = λa + λc
·         Degree of dissociation
a =(Equivalent conductance at a given concentration)/(Equivalent
                                                                 conductance at infinite dilution
·         Determination of solubility of sparingly soluble salts
Conductometric Titrations:
Method of volumetric analysis based on the change in the conductance with changing concentrations of  the solution by the addition of titrant.
It’s preferred over volumetric titration because
·         Give more accurate end-point
·         Can be done even for color solutions where suitable indicator is not available
·         Can be used for dilute solutions
Cell Constant:
Ratio of Specific conductance to observed conductance.
Transport Number:
The definition of transport number  is that current carried by ion ‘x’ divided by the sum of the current of all the ions in solution, which is also called the transference number of ion x.

Electrochemical Cell

Electrolytic cell
It is a device in which electrolysis (chemical reaction involving oxidation and reduction) is carried out by using electricity or in which conversion of electrical energy into chemical energy is done
Galvanic or voltaic cell
It is a device in which a redox reaction is used to convert chemical energy into electrical energy. The chemical reaction responsible for production of electricity takes place in two separate compartments. Each compartment consists of a suitable electrolyte solution and a metallic conductor. The metallic conductor acts as an electrode. The compartments containing the electrode and the solution of the electrolyte are called half-cells. When the two compartments are connected by a salt bridge and electrodes are joined by a wire through galvanometer the electricity begins to flow. This is the simple form of voltaic cell
 It is designed to make use of the spontaneous redox reaction between zinc and cupric ions to produce an electric current (Fig.12.7). It consists of two half-cells. The half-cells on the left contains a zinc metal electrode dipped in ZnSO4 solution.

The half-cell on the right consists of copper metal electrode in a solution CuSO4. The half-cells are joined by a salt bridge that prevents the mechanical mixing of the solution.
When the zinc and copper electrodes are joined by wire, the following observations are made:
·         There is a flow of electric current through the external circuit.
·         The zinc rod loses its mass while the copper rod gains in mass.
·         The concentration of ZnSO4 solution increases while the concentration of copper sulphate solution decreases.
·         The solutions in both the compartments remain electrically neutral
        (e.m.f. is applied to cell)                (e.m.f. is generated by cell)

Electrolytic cell
Anode         Cathode
Voltaic or Galvanic cell
Anode             Cathode
Electron flow
+                   -
Out                in
Oxidation      reduction
-                         +
Out                    in
Oxidation         reduction

Salt bridge is usually an inverted U-tube filled with con­centrated solution of inert electrolytes. An inert electrolyte is one whose ions are neither involved in any electrochemical change nor do they react chemically with the electrolytes in the two half-cells.
Significance of salt bridge:
·         It connects the solutions of two half-cells and completes the cell circuit.
·         It prevents transference or diffusion of the solutions from one half-cell to the other.
·         It keeps the solutions in two half-cells electrically neutral.
The Daniell cell can be represented as:

                          Anode     Salt bridge    Cathode
                        Oxidation half-cell         Reduction half-cell
When a metal is placed in a solution of its ions, the metal acquires either a positive or negative charge with respect to the solution. On account of this, a definite potential difference is developed between the metal and the solution. This potential difference is called electrode potential.
(i)                  Oxidation potential:
When electrode is negatively charged with respect to solution, i.e., it acts as anode. Oxidation occurs.
      M --> Mn+ + ne-

(ii)                 Reduction potential:
When electrode is positively charged with respect to solution, i.e., it acts as cathode. Reduction occurs.
      Mn+ + ne- --> M
The emf of the cell is equal to the sum of potentials on the two electrodes.
Emf of  the cell = EAnode + ECathode
The potential difference developed between metal electrode and the solution of its ions of unit molarity (1M) at 25°C (298 K) is called standard electrode potential.

Calomel Electrode

Since a standard hydrogen electrode is difficult to prepare and maintain, it is usually replaced by other reference electrodes, which are known as secondary reference electrodes. These are convenient to handle and are prepared easily. Two important secondary reference electrodes are described here.
(i) Calomel electrode: It consists of mercury at the bot­tom over which a paste of mercury-mercurous chloride is placed. A solution of potassium chloride is then placed over the paste. A platinum wire sealed in a glass tube helps in making the electrical contact. The electrode is connected with the help of the side tube on the left through a salt bridge.
The potential of the calomel electrode depends upon the concentration of the potassium chloride solution.

If potassium chloride solution is saturated, the electrode is known as saturated calomel electrode (SCE).
If KCl solution is  1 N then the electrode is known as normal calomel electrode (NCE). The electrode reaction when the electrode acts as cathode is:
             1/2 Hg2Cl2 + e- <---> Hg + Cl-


Quinhydrone Electrode

Quinhydrone electrode is one of several oxidation-reduction electrodes



·         Redox electrode at which the reversible reaction occurs. For determining the pH value of this half cell, it’s combined with other reference electrode, usually saturated calomel electrode.


Glass Electrode (Ion Selective Electrode)

Allows to determine the concentration of a specific ion in aqueous (& in rare cases non-aqueous) solutions.

·         The important ion selective electrode is Glass membrane electrode

·         Useful in finding water hardness etc..\

Nernst Equation

        The electrode potential and the emf of the cell depend upon the nature of the electrode, temperature and the activities (concentrations) of the ions in solution.
Potential at zinc electrode (Anode)
        Eox = Eoxo - 0.0591/n  log10 [Zn3+]
 Potential at copper electrode (Cathode)
        Ered = Eredo - 0.0591/n  log10 [Cu2+]
 In this cell, once the chemicals have been consumed, further reaction is not possible. It cannot be regenerated by reversing the current flow through the cell using an external direct current source of electrical energy. The most common example of this type is dry cell.
The container of the dry cell is made of zinc which also serves as one of the electrodes. The other electrode is a carbon rod in the centre of the cell. The zinc container is lined with a porous paper. A moist mixture of ammonium chloride, man­ganese dioxide, zinc chloride and a porous inert filler occupy the space between the paper lined zinc container and the carbon rod. The cell is sealed with a material like wax.
As the cell operates, the zinc is oxidized to Zn2+
 Zn  --->   Zn2+ + 2e-     (Anode reaction)
The electrons are utilized at carbon rod (cathode) as the ammonium ions are reduced.
 2NH4++2e- --> 2NH3 + H2    (Cathode reaction)
The cell reaction is
Zn+ 2 NH4+ --->   Zn2+ + 2NH3 + H2
Hydrogen is oxidized by MnO2 in the cell.
2MnO2 + H2 ---> 2MnO(OH)
Ammonia produced at cathode combines with zinc ions to form complex ion.
Zn2+ + 4NH3 ---> [Zn(NH3)4]2+
Ecell is 1.6 volt
Alkaline Dry Cell
Alkaline dry cell is similar to ordinary dry cell. It contains potassium hydroxide. The reaction in alkaline dry cell are:
Zn + 2OH- ---> Zn(OH)2 + 2e-                    (Anode reaction)
 2MnO2 + 2H2O + 2e- ---> 2MnO(OH) + 2OH-            (Cathode reaction)
 Zn + 2MnO2 + 2H2O ---> Zn(OH)2 + 2MnO(OH)        (Overall)
 Ecell is 1.5 volt

The cell in which original reactants are regenerated by passing direct current from external source, i.e., it is re-charged, is called secondary cell. Lead storage battery is the example of this type.
It consists of a group of lead plates bearing compressed spongy lead, alternating with a group of lead plates bearing leaf dioxide, PbO2. These plates are immersed in a solution of about 30% H2SO4. When the cell discharge; it operates as a voltaic cell. The spongy lead is oxidized to Pb2+ ions and lead plates acquire a negative charge.
                        Pb --> Pb2+ + 2e-                       (Anode reaction)
Pb2+ ions combine with sulphate ions to form insoluble lead sulphate, PbSO4, which begins to coat lead electrode.
                        Pb2+ + SO42- ---> PbSO4            (Precipitation)
        The electrons are utilized at PbO2 electrode.
                PbO2 + 4H+ + 2e- ---> Pb2+ 2H2O                (Cathode reaction)
                 Pb2+ + SO42- ---> PbSO4            (Precipitation)
        Overall cell reaction is:
                Pb + PbO2 + 4H+ + 2 SO42- ---> 2PbSO4 + 2H2O
            Ecell is 2.041 volt.
When a potential slightly greater than the potential of battery is applied, the battery can be re-charged.
                    2PbSO4 + 2H2O --->  Pb + PbO2 + 2H2SO4

If two plates of the same metal are dipped separately into two solutions of the same electrolyte and are connected with a salt bridge, the whole arrangement is found to act as a galvanic cell. In general, there are two types of concentration cells:

(i)                   Electrode concentration cells:
In these cells, the potential difference is developed between two like electrodes at different concentrations dipped in the same solution of the electrolyte. For example, two hydrogen electrodes at different has pressure in the same solution of hydrogen ions constitute a cell of this type.
              (Pt,H2 (Pressure p1))/Anode |H+ | (H2 (Pressure p2)Pt)/Cathode
If p1, p2 oxidation occurs at L.H.S. electrode and reduction occurs at R.H.S. electrode.
           Ecell = 0.0591/2 log(p1/p2)  at 25o C
In the amalgam cells, two amalgams of the same metal at two different concentrations are interested in the same electrolyte solution.

(ii)                  Electrolyte concentration cells:
In these cells, electrodes are identical but these are immersed in solutions of the same electrolyte of different concentrations. The source of electrical energy in the cell is the tendency of the electrolyte to diffuse from a solution of higher concentration to that of lower concentration. With the expiry of time, the two concentrations tend to become equal. Thus, at the start the emf of the cell is maximum and it gradually falls to zero. Such a cell is repre­sented in the following manner:
(C2 is greater than C1).

Fuel Cells
          -are energy conversion devices, convert the free energy change of a chemical reaction directly into electricity (electrochemical energy conversion) and not as heat in a chemical reaction.
·         Noise and thermal pollution low
·         Maintenance cost is low
·         Energy conversion is very high

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Head of the Department- Petroleum Engineering Hyderabad



Associate Professor ,  Dept. of PETROLEUM ENGINEERING

           An M.Sc (Petroleum & Gas Engineering) from University of Salford U.K. professional worked as Junior Well Test Engineer for Schlumberger, Kuwait has an  extended knowledge on Petroleum Software's, Deep understanding of Oil/Gas domain with focus on delivering business solutions.

Key Skills
  • Gained wide knowledge while working and executing projects and dissertations which can be utilized in management in the Oil and Gas Industry.
  • Sound Knowledge of Regulations of Oil & Gas Industry.
  • Expertise on various petroleum, production software’s.
  • Gave presentation at International level.Awarded 2nd,3rd at various Technical Fest..

Monday 12 September 2011

Petroleum Engineering

Petroleum Engineering
        Petroleum Engineering is the application of the basic science to the development, recovery and field processing of the oil and gas. The job of petroleum engineers starts after the discovery of a structure suitable for oil and gas accumulation. Exploration wells are first drilled and tested to evaluate the economic aspects of the discovery and to obtain necessary data for the planning and development of the field.
Role of Petroleum Engineer
         Petroleum engineers search the world for reservoirs containing oil or natural gas. Once these resources are discovered, petroleum engineers work with geologists and other specialists to understand the geologic formation and properties of the rock containing the reservoir determine the drilling methods to be used, and monitor drilling and production operations. Petroleum engineers rely heavily on computer models to simulate reservoir performance using different recovery techniques. They also use computer models for simulations of the effects of various drilling options. Petroleum engineering deals with the problems of maximizing producing rate and ultimate recovery of oil and gas reservoirs, develop technology and methods to increase recovery and lower the cost of drilling and production operations. It is amazing, with the ever-increasing energy demand, that so few persons, even scientists, are aware of the efficiency in oil and gas production. Most people believe that oil and gas are produced from underground caverns or holes and that once a well quits producing all of the oil and gas has been removed from that particular hole. Because only a small proportion of oil and gas in a reservoir will flow out under natural forces, petroleum engineers develop and use various enhanced recovery methods. The best techniques in use today recover only a portion of the oil and gas in a reservoir.

Role of Production Engineer
        The role of the petroleum production engineers comes next. These engineers, with the information provided by the reservoir engineers, are responsible for the design and implementation of well completions and subsurface and surface production facilities which are needed to produce the field and treat the produced fluids to produce oil and gas with the specifications needed for transportation and refining operations. Petroleum drilling engineers are responsible for the design, planning and supervision of the well drilling activities.

SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) Salary Survey
           The Society of Petroleum Engineers conducts a global salary survey of members. For the most recent survey (2010), the average base salary of respondents worldwide was $122,458, an increase from the USD 116,834 in the 2008 survey. Additional compensation, such as bonuses, housing allowances, car allowances, and retirement contributions raised total average compensation for 2009 to $167,712. Not surprisingly, the average income increased with years of work experience.

Professional Organizations
           Professional organizations and associations provide a wide range of resources for planning and navigating a career in Petroleum Engineering. These groups can play a key role in your development and keep you abreast of what is happening in your industry. Associations promote the interests of their members and provide a network of contacts that can help you find jobs and move your career forward.

  • American Society of Petroleum Engineers
  • Society of Petroleum Engineers
  • Society of Geologist & Geophysicists
  • American Petroleum Institute
  • Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
  • Society of Gas Engineers
Advantages of a petroleum Engineer
1. Excellent source of organic molecules for building plastics, medicines, rubber, fiber, painting, etc.
2. Highly compact portable source of energy used for most forms of mechanical transportation.
3. Can withstand high heats without breakdown making it useful as lubricants like motor oil.
4. Residuals make excellent surface for asphalt roads and waterproof roofing materials
 5. Natural gas is used to make fertilizers used in agriculture and household detergents.
6. Compared to most other fuel sources it is still one of the most economical -in other words the costs to produce it are relatively cheap compared to other energy sources.
7. Natural gas wells are the world's supply of helium gas. 8. Oil produced is used for many industrial applications.
Course Modules
  • Geology
  • Geophysics
  • Petro physicists
  • Formation Evaluation
  • Well Testing
  • Production Engineering
  • Drilling Engineering
  • Reservoir Engineering
  • Reservoir Simulation
  • Experimental Measurement Methods
  • Thermodynamics
  • Fluid Mechanics
Core Companies
Petroleum Graduates are absorbed in various government and private organisation across globe.

Govt companies
  • ONGC
  • HPCL
  • BPCL
  • Essar Oil
  • Oil India
  • GSI
  • Gas Authority of India
  • British Petroleum
  • Kuwait Oil Company
  • Saudi Aramco
  • Qatar Gas
  • Qatar Petroleum
  • Petronas
  • Bahrain Oil Company
  • Bharat Petroleum
Private Companies
  • Schlumberger
  • Halliburton
  • Shell Oil
  • Reliance Petroleum
  • Aban Drilling
  • Shivani Group
  • Weatherford
  • Baker Hughes
  • Cairn Energy
  • Chevron
  • Exxon Mobil
  • Total
  • Franc Lab
  • Petroleum Experts
Career Prospects
          Petroleum Engineers are demanded engineers and are highly paid across globe. Petroleum engineering course offers wonderful job opportunities at global and domestic level. There is an acute shortage of professionals like geosciences experts, drilling Engineers, Production Engineers, Reservoir Engineers, Reservoir Simulation, Project Managers, etc. Besides Indian requirement, the world’s requirement is very high. The above are few companies in which petroleum graduates are absorbed. Opportunities in oil and Gas sector are ample in Middle East with very high salaries.