Friday 15 February 2013

Calculators for Petroleum Engineers

The  on-line  computational  and  graphics  Calculators for  Petroleum   engineers   &  geologists  in:  
Drilling,  Reservoir  Engineering,  Production,  Geosciences  &  Economics.

New ones are added periodically
DrillingSurge & Swab pressures
Bit Hydraulics Optimization
Cuttings Slip Velocity
Equivalent Circulation Density Of Mud
Basic solids analysis
Drilling rate d-Exponent
Directional survey
Well Schematic I - Single vertical completion
Well Schematic II - Dual vertical completion
Well Schematic III - Horizontal single completion
Casing Data Browser
Reservoir IMaterial Balance Equation I: SolutionGas-GasCap Drive
Material Balance Equation II: SolutionGas with GasCap Withdrawal/Injection
Pressure Buildup Analysis - Horner Plot (Oilwell)
Inflow Performance Relationships For solution-gas drive Vertical wells
Inflow Performance Relationships For solution-gas drive Slanted wells
Inflow Performance Relationships For solution-gas drive Horizontal wells 
Horizontal well performance (oil)
Water coning in a vertical well
Combined gas & water coning in a vertical well
Water breakthrough time in a vertical well 
Reservoir II - GasOriginal Gas In Place: Volumetric reservoir - p/z method
Original Gas In Place: Abnormally Pressured gas reservoir
Coalbed Methane: Original Gas In Place by P/Z* method
Coalbed Methane: Reservoir performance prediction
Gaswell deliverability - Backpressure AOF test
Horizontal well performance (gas)
Gas Properties - I: Z, μ, Bg and Sg for a given Composition
Gas Properties - II: Z, μ, Bg for a given Specific gravity
Real gas pseudo-pressure
Gas coning in a vertical well
ProductionDecline Curve Analysis
Flow through chokes (1-phase)
Flow through chokes (2-phase)
Gaswell flow in Vertical Tubing
Gas flow in Horizontal Pipeline
Gas flow in Inclined Pipeline
API Gravity Correction to 60°F
Gas well load-up: Critical Rate
Tubing Data Browser
Skin Factors In Perforated Vertical Wells
Skin Factors In Perforated Horizontal Wells
Productivity Ratio Of Perforated Horizontal Wells
Conventional well log analysis I
Conventional well log analysis II
EconomicsBasic cashflow analysis
Comprehensive cashflow analysis (oilfield)
Comprehensive cashflow analysis (gasfield)
"Optimum" number of Oilfield development wells
Project selection/Capital allocation by Ranking method
Miscellaneous Units Conversion Calculators
Units Conversion factors
World Oil & Gas Production & Reserves - Country by country Data
Mechanical Engineering Calculators
Civil Engineering Calculators
Chemical Engineering Calculators 
Thanks to Dr. Haveluck Gbubemi Harrison   
MSc (Imperial), PhD (Heriot-Watt)   
E&P Information Management Consultant.